The IMAGINE PEACE Promise Alliance JOYFULLY invites you to join us for a global game of giving! Let's COOPERATE in the Compassion Games!
We're inspired by the Cajun "Couir de Mardi Gras", an alternative, working class tradition where costumed revelers parade from house to house "begging" for donations and gathering ingredients for a community gumbo.
After the parade, everyone celebrates at the "Fais Do Do"-a big dance party and feast!
Here's our official PLAYbook for the Mardi Gras de Compassion! Remember, no one can lose the Compassion Games! Gather your Krewe and let your IMAGINATION run wild! Let's spread Compassion, Kindness, and JOY in the SPIRIT of building the BELOVED CommUNITY in SOLIDARITY with our NOLA family and ALL Relations!
Mad props and deep bows to our BELOVED siSTAR, Lauren Grace, for being the channel and the heARTist of this PHENOMENAL INSPIRATION! SOUL much GRATITUDE and LOVE to you, siSTAR!
If you are in the Austin area and want to be a part of the 'Apis' Krewe, please CONNECT with the linktree site through this QR code,
The IMAGINE PEACE Promise Alliance