My name is Heather Elizabeth, and I AM the Founder and Steward of SHINE: Supporting Humanity In Navigating EVOLution. INFINITE GRATITUDE to you for taking the time to share this space with me. I feel that people cross paths for a reason, thus this is the DIVINE perfect moment for you and I to CONNECT.
I recognize that the family of humanity is navigating tremendous changes that often result in great loss and heartache. I feel that even the most difficult changes can offer you and I an opportunity for PROFOUND AWAKENING and TRANSFORMATION, however WE are not meant to navigate these changes alone…WE need and deserve SUPPORT in order to move through these times of unprecedented SHIFT.
You are a COURAGEOUS, BEAUTY-FILLED, and REMARKABLE human being who is worthy of all you dream for yourself, your family, commUNITY, and the world. If you are seeking a ‘soft place to land’ in the midst of the chaos and turmoil in the world, my prayer is that you will find it here. TOGETHER, WE are taking a powerful leap into the next phase of our EVOLution of CONSCIOUSNESS. TOGETHER, WE are REMEMBERING how to SHINE…