*Are you SEEKing a place of RESPITE and RESTORATION during the intensity of the mid-term elections?
*Are you yearning to stay hopeful and optimistic despite the uncertainty of present day circumstances?
*Have you committed to co-creating a peaceful, inclusive, and sustainable world for the generations to come?
Many of US are AWAKEning to the truth that humanity has arrived at a tipping point in our EVOLutionary journey...WE can ALL feel the urgency to discover ways to PEACEfully co-exist with ONE another, Mother Earth, and ALL that IS. WE each have something unique to contribute to the upLIFTment of Humanity. A Clarion Call is BEing sounded to do it and BE it!
The vibration of 11:11 is a doorway into experiencing the VAST POTENTIAL that you hold as a 'SPIRITual BEing having a human experience.' It is the energy of the human remembering that it is DIVINE. As WE AWAKEN, many of US BEgin seeing 11:11 on the clock, the phone, or other tools that communicate the launguage of numerology. November 11th holds an amplification of this message and is a resonant time to pause and tune in to your inner landscape.
You are invited to gather with fellow Conscious Dreamers to BE SUPPORTed and to SUPPORT our common INTENTion to co-CREATE a PEACEful reality for ourSelves and the generations to come. Through interactive discussion, grounding exercises, and guided meditation, WE will EMBRACE the opportunity to EVOLve TOGETHER.
All SHINE Circles INVITE you to integrate mind+body+e-motions+SPIRIT through balancing the right and left brain/Masculine+Feminine aspects of yourSelf. Circles are Holistic+InterSPIRITual containers for personal and planetary TRANSFORMation. All backgrounds are WELCOME! Come as YOU ARE!
*Please register for the event through an energy exchange of $33.30, by visiting, https://squareup.com/store/shine-heather-elizabeth/item/activation
*SHINE Tribe members participate for free. To learn more about how to join the SHINE Tribe, please visit, https://www.shineheatherelizabeth.one/high-vibe-shine-tribe/
Once you are registered, you will RECEIVE the login instructions to CONNECT with the Circle via Zoom video conferencing.
I look forward to sharing in this MEANINGFUL time with my fellow CONSCIOUS DREAMERS!
Heather Elizabeth