You are invited to close the chapter of 2018 with CONSCIOUS INTENT on ONE of the most POWERFUL days of the year! The December SOLstice is the HEART of the holiday season. It TRANSCENDS all perceived barriers and CONNECTS US ACROSS THE GLOBE. ALL comes into BALANCE as WE RECEIVE energetic upgrades from the PRECIOUS ALIGNMENT of Mother Earth and Father SUN.
WE are BEing bathed in the PURIFYing waters of the Cancer Full Moon at the time of the SOLstice this Master year of 2018. This DIVINE UNION is intensifying the call to BE STILL and LISTEN to your inner guidance as WE FLOW into the next steps of our EVOLutionary journey that will reveal themselves at the time of the Eclipse gateway in January of 2019...
The channeled offering for this gathering is the message of 'A Return to Innocence'. Innocence is our natural state of BEing before WE are taught to fear; become immersed in self-doubt and self-loathing, and fall prey to the illusion of separation...WE NOW have the opportunity to reCLAIM the INNOCENT, TRUSTing, OPEN-CURIOUS, JOY-ful, ABUNDANT, LOVING nature of the DIVINE INNER CHILD. At this time of great reBIRTH, you will BE ACTivated into a reUNION with this BELOVEd part of yourSelf.
The ACTivation will include a channeled transmission of the energies guiding US through the Cancer Full Moon/SOLstice portal, guided meditation, drum journey, and CREATIVE expression.
This is a VIRTUAL gathering available to anyone from around the globe! The gathering will BE recorded. The recording will BE available to participants for 24 hours and then posted to The High Vibe SHINE Tribe members' page. You will RECEIVE login details the day before the event.
Please register for the event with an energy exchange of $22.20 by visiting,
*High Vibe SHINE Tribe members participate for FREE. To learn more about The High Vibe SHINE Tribe, please visit,
I AM GRATEFUL to BE sharing this SACRED moment of COSMIC his/herstory with you!
Heather Elizabeth