If you are SEEKing SUPPORT in integrating the energies of this Full Moon, you are welcome to BE a part of the LIVE virtual Full Moon ACTivation! The ACTivation includes guided meditation, drum journey, tips for harnessing the medicine of the Full Moon, and heartCENTERed CONNECTion with a CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY. Join the Circle in the comfort of your home from wherever you are in the world!
To register for the gathering with an energy exchange of $22.20, please visit, https://squareup.com/store/shine-heather-elizabeth/item/virgo-full-moon-activation
Once you have registered, you will RECEIVE login instructions for the gathering on the day of the event.
*High Vibe SHINE Tribe members participate for FREE. To learn more about The High VIbe SHINE Tribe, please visit, https://www.shineheatherelizabeth.one/high-vibe-shine-tribe/
I look forward to howling under the Full Moon with you!
Heather Elizabeth