This is a Virtual gathering that you can enJOY from the comfort of your home that is available to anyONE across the globe!
WE have arrived at the Mystical Moon of May. Within Esoteric Circles throughout time and space, May is felt to BE GRACEd with abundant opportunities to commune with our unseen allies who are guiding humanity through the EVOLutionary process. This is a moment within the journey in which WE are invited to lean into what can LIBERATE US from the shackles of the illusion of separation.
A PROFOUND BLESSING that WE RECEIVE every May occurs when Grandmother Moon is full and Father Sun is in the zodiac sign of Taurus. This BLESSING is called the Wesak Full Moon, an interdimensional CELEBRATION of the enLIGHTened path of the Buddha. For decades NOW, the energy surrounding this CELEBRATION has expanded as the EVOLutionary SHIFTs upon Mother Earth accelerate. This is a SIGNIFICANT time to OPEN YOUR HEART to RECEIVE the LOVE, COMPASSION, and GRACE that SURROUNDs YOU. You, too, have the ability to walk the path of a Master in this lifetime as you ALIGN with your DIVINE POTENTIAL.
The ACTivation will include a channeled transmission of the energies that are guiding US through this Full Moon cycle, a guided meditation+visualization, journey with sound, and an invitation for CREATIVE expression.
InterSPIRITual ceremony is the new paradigm of therapy which creates SACRED space to ALIGN mind/heart/and will through accessing ancient, universal WISDOM practices in a safe and accepting community.
All SHINE Circles INVITE you to integrate mind+body+e-motions+SPIRIT through balancing the right and left brain/Masculine+Feminine aspects of yourSelf. Circles are Holistic+InterSPIRITual containers for personal and planetary TRANSFORMation. All backgrounds are WELCOME! Come as YOU ARE!
To register for the gathering with an energy exchange of $22.20, please visit,
*High Vibe SHINE Tribe members RECEIVE automatic admission to all virtual ACTivations. To learn more about The High Vibe SHINE Tribe, please visit,
Once you have registered, you will RECEIVE a confirmation email. Login instructions will BE sent the day of the event.
I AM looking forward to CELEBRATING this EVOLutionary moment with you!
Heather Elizabeth