This is a VIRTUAL gathering that you can participate in from the comfort of your home wherever you live across the globe!
Within the FLOW of Natural Time, WE are NOW completing a 13-year cycle that began on July 26th, 2006. Thirteen holds the vibration of the FEMININE Power of CREATION. Thus, WE are in the midst of experiencing what has been co-CREATEd over the last thirteen years. It is no surprise to recognize that the theme of the last thirteen years has been a PURIFICATION of limited beliefs, thought forms, and paradigms that have kept you feeling 'separate' from the LOVE, COMPASSION, and ACCEPTANCE that are your DIVINE BIRTHright. The falling away of what no longer serves has CREATEd a pathway for you to reCLAIM your FEMININE ESSENCE that is INTUITIVE, CREATIVE, PASSIONATE, and OPEN to the POWER of your FEELING nature, regardless of your gender identity. SHE LIVES WITHIN US ALL.
You are invited to gather in CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY on the final day of this PROFOUND cycle to HONOR the journey that you, me, and WE have ENDUREd over the last 13 years.
The VIRTUAL ACTivation will include a channeled transmission ALIGNed with tools to INTEGRATE the WISDOM gained from ALL that has unfolded over this cycle; a guided meditation+visualization; journey with sound; and an invitation for CREATIVE expression. WE will BE holding INTENTIONal space for the new cycle that begins on July 26th, 2019 with OPEN MINDS and RECEPTIVE HEARTS.
InterSPIRITual ceremony is the new paradigm of therapy which creates SACRED space to ALIGN mind/heart/and will through accessing ancient, universal WISDOM practices in a safe and accepting community.
All SHINE Circles INVITE you to integrate mind+body+e-motions+SPIRIT through balancing the right and left brain/Masculine+Feminine aspects of yourSelf. Circles are Holistic+InterSPIRITual containers for personal and planetary TRANSFORMation. All backgrounds are WELCOME! Come as YOU ARE!
To register for the gathering with an energy exchange of $22.20, please visit,
*High Vibe SHINE Tribe members RECEIVE automatic admission to all virtual ACTivations. To learn more about The High Vibe SHINE Tribe, please visit,
Once you have registered, you will RECEIVE a confirmation email. Login instructions will BE sent the day of the event.
I AM GRATEFUL to share this INCREDIBLE journey with you!
Heather Elizabeth