
Join Heather Elizabeth & Mel Afflerbach LIVE for a Full Moon Ceremony.

The Libra SUPER Pink Full Moon is the third SUPER Full Moon in a series of four. Through the lens of astrology, the convergence of certain planets + Full Moon medicine is greatly influencing what WE are experiencing as a family of humanity at this time.

Libra brings in a deep AWAREness of our innate capacity to BALANCE our minds which in turn brings BALANCE to our lives. This will BE our focus for our Virtual Ceremony on this HOLY full moon.

WE are gathering through the virtual portal of ZOOM. Please be sure to drop us your email below in order to send you the link.

| Class Vibes |

• Restorative yoga postures with a focus on BALANCE
• Breathwork + Meditation
•UNITE with DIVINE Feminine allies through a Drum Journey.
• Explore the concepts of death, resurrection, and reBIRTH through contemplative writing.
• Mel and Heather Elizabeth share their favorite Full Moon rituals!


🌿Items Needed:

Be sure to have a journal, yoga mat, and meditation pillow or block.


This is a DONATION based offering. Heather Elizabeth & Mel will donate funds to a business or person in need. ♥️
LOVE donations can BE sent via Venmo, @Heather-Neary

WE are HONORED and BLESSED to share this special time with you!

Heather Elizabeth & Mel Afflerbach

Zoom login details (BE sure and notate the password which is now REQUIRED to enter Zoom rooms!)

Heather Neary is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Libra SUPER Pink Full Moon Virtual Ceremony Time: Apr 7, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 916 489 037

Password: 590696

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Meeting ID: 916 489 037 Password: 590696 Find your local number: