You are wholeheartedly invited to join in CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY to ALIGN with the medicine of the Gemini New Moon! New Moons are portals into CREATING new INTENTIONS and new AGREEMENTS with ourSelves and ONE another. As WE SHIFT into the next phase of the GLOBAL INITIATION known as the 'Corona pandemic', WE are invited to EMBODY the SACRED virtue of 'DISCERNMENT' in PROFOUND ways.
To REGISTER and RECEIVE the Zoom login details, please visit the Eventbrite page,
DISCERNMENT requires a CLEAR and PRESENT mind that is in ALIGNMENT with the WISDOM of the heart. As an air sign known for its pull on the illusion of separation and duality, Gemini is stepping forward to ask you to hold the many facets of the human experience known as polarities...WE will BE holding INTENTIONAL SACRED SPACE to explore this EXPANSION OF CONSCIOUSNESS TOGETHER.
Our journey into EMBODYing DISCERNMENT will involve meditation, divination (oracle card reading), sound HEALING, BREATHwork, and creative expression. These practices will SUPPORT you in CONSCIOUSly moving into this new cycle with a CRYSTAL CLEAR CONNECTION TO YOUR TRUTH.
WE will also BE exploring the upcoming Summer Eclipse Season and how it is a turning point in humanity's EVOLution of CONSCIOUSNESS...
This is a free event, yet if you feel called to make a LOVE donation it is GRATEFULLY RECEIVED. You may do so through Venmo, @ Heather-Neary or @Alisa-Carr
WE ARE GRATEFUL to share in this PHENOMENAL New Moon time with you!
Heather Elizabeth and Alisa Carr