A UP Convergence Event in the Divine Feminine & Sacred Masculine Zoom Room, Friday, September 18th, 7:30 PM EST/ 4:30 PM PDT
WE gather TOGETHER to UNITE our hearts in co-CREATING SACRED SPACE to HONOR and ACCESS the medicine of this POTENT New Moon. The Virgo New Moon is opening the gateway for the September Equinox energies to SUPPORT and IGNITE our Collective VISION for PEACE ON EARTH by 2030. As a Circle of CONSCIOUS co-CREATORS, WE will identify our INTENTIONs for our personal journeys and our DREAMS for the Collective family of humanity and ALL sentient BEings. WE will share in interSPIRITual rituals to plant the seeds of our heart INTENTIONS into the Collective field to BE nurtured as they flower into MANIFESTATION.
About the Presenter:
As a Holistic Social Worker, EVOLutionary Leader, Planetary heARTist,and SPIRITual ACTivist, Heather Elizabeth JOYfully follows her path of service through EMPOWERing her fellow human BEings in reCLAIMing their innate LIGHT while committing to ‘BE the CHANGE’ they wish to see in the world. She is an ally and guide for crossing the EVOLutionary threshold. By listening to the prompting of her Soul, Heather Elizabeth founded the SHINE movement (Supporting Humanity In Navigating EVOLution) in 2015. SHINE serves as a SACRED container for the alchemical process of the personal and planetary TRANSFORMATION at hand.
Through the EVOLutionary technology of the 13 Moon Dreamspell, Heather Elizabeth has reCLAIMed her Soul blueprint of a ‘Modern Day Wizard’ who invites humanity to EMBODY our capacity to utilize practical magic as a tool to BE CONSCIOUS coCREATORS of the New Earth.
Heather Elizabeth
This is part of the UP Convergence and you are welcome to join as well and get informed fully here.