In HONOR of crossing the threshold of the Aquarian Age, the SHINE commUNITY is gathering every 13 days to REFLECT, INTEGRATE, and coCREATE. Each Crystal Circle will follow the FLOW of an Indigenous Talking Circle with the opening of SACRED SPACE with a grounding meditation and an opportunity for each Relative to share from the heart. Through this process, WE feel seen, heard, and have a direct experience of our innate belonging and CONNECTEDness to ONE another and ALL that is.
This Crystal Circle occurs in the Blue Hand Wave, thus WE will focus on what has emerged for US individually and as a Collective with the archetype of the ACCOMPLISHING, KNOWING, and HEALING ‘sparkatype’ of the Blue Hand as our GUIDE.
Inhale the medicine of RENEWAL of a new EVOLutionary 13-day wave. Exhale the toxic frequencies of an old paradigm clinging on to its final moments of power. NOW, more than ever, you are asked to TRUST the alchemical process of a SPIRITual rEVOLution. If it feels like several moons (maybe years!) have been packed into the first 10 days of 2021, TAKE HEART in that this is evidence of the QUANTUM TRANSFORMATION taking place within you, and therefore within the Collective family of Humanity.
Our ALLY of the Blue Hand who holds the power of ACCOMPLISHMENT is LIGHTing our way forward through the shadows of our personal and Collective HEALING journeys. Blue Hand REFLECTS to you that the path of HEALING involves listening to your inner GUIDANCE system and following through with how it is calling you to show UP. This frequency of ‘accomplishment’ asks you to EMBRACE COURAGE, RESILIENCE, TRANSPARENCY, and AUTHENTICITY. As I share in SHINE consultations , these qualities are actually VIRTUES which are considered to BE EVOLutionary aspects of the ‘New Human’. Hence, this is the archetype of ‘The Avatar’, or “incarnate DIVINE teacher.” CONSCIOUS coCREATORS of the New Earth are led by the heart vs. the ego’s resistance to GROWTH through change.
Blue Hand brings to our AWARENESS that hands are tools for expressing the heart. This is another way the ESSENCE of HEALING comes through this archetype. The HEALING power of touch and the CREATIVE EXPRESSION of writing, art, and music are SACRED ways WE CHANNEL HEALING through the instrument of our hands. These tools are a PROFOUND resource for you in navigating the rEVOLution WE are in the midst of. This assists in keeping you centered in yourSelf no matter the intensity of what is taking place within every facet of our Collective reality.
Blue Hand’s POTENCY is BEing amplified as it is converging with the beginning of the Resonant Moon of ATTUNEMENT. Stepping through the doorway of the convergence of a new 13-day cycle, new 28-day cycle, AND the first New Moon of 2021 (Tuesday, January 12th/Resonant Moon Day 3, Kin 29 Red Electric Moon) is a CRYSTAL CLEAR AFFIRMATION to focus your ATTENTION on ALIGNING with the WISDOM of your FEMININE nature. You are invited to heed the call to EMBODY the NURTURING ESSENCE of the DIVINE FEMININE that enCOURAGEs you to take care of yourSelf come what may.
These are the moments to BE unpacking your SPIRITual toolbox so that you have access to anything and everything that SUPPORTS you in keeping your SOUL, body, e-motions, and mind ATTUNEd to a frequency that promoted WELLNESS and WELLBEING. This is your DIVINE BIRTHright as an innately SOVEREIGN BEing. This is what you have control over in a world that is breaking down in order to break through.
Call upon the Buddhist Great Mother of COMPASSION and MERCY, Quan Yin, to hold space for you to BE the Avatar that you are. Quan Yin teaches you that the frequencies of COMPASSION and GRACE are what can TRANSMUTE the plaque of violence and oppression. SHE reminds you that COMPASSIONATE ACTION is a fierce force of TRANSFORMATION in a world begging to BE LIBERATED from the shackles of hate and division.
Avatars are not seen passively sitting on the sidelines of EVOLution…They are the Way Showers, Change Agents, PEACE Builders, and JUSTICE SEEKERS…They hold themSelves and their fellow family of humanity accountable to the POTENTIAL WE hold to LIFT ourSelves UP and out of the hamster wheel of poisonous Patriarchal patterns.
OM mani padme hum
The Crystal Circles are a free offering to the SHINE commUNITY. If you are called to make a LOVE donation, you may do so through Venmo @Heather-Neary or PayPal ,
For the Zoom room link, please email Heather Elizabeth,
In Lak’ech ( I AM another yourSelf),
Heather Elizabeth
Consultant for CONSCIOUS EVOLution
Founder of SHINE: Supporting Humanity In Navigating EVOLution