November of 2011 was a pivotal moment in my path as an EVOLutionary Leader...after completing the incredibly intensive and enLIGHTening journey of Nine Gates Mystery School, I took the leap of FAITH and EVOLved my psychotherapy practice to join the ever-growing movement of holistic HEALING, merging my career as a counselor with my path as a vibrational medicine practitioner. I NOW realize that moment in 'time' almost 10 years ago was pivotal for the family of humanity... WE were preparing for the PLANETARY SHIFT in CONSCIOUSNESS that the portal of the December Solstice of 2012 opened the floodgates for...
The last decade has held countless personal and professional TRANSFORMATIONS for me...way too many to count...yet a common theme has been to TRUST THE JOURNEY through an unwavering DEDICATION and unyielding DEVOTION to the development of a UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL FOUNDATION that SUPPORTS humanity in navigating the EVOLution of CONSCIOUSNESS that is unfolding within each of US and therefore our collective reality. Thus, SHINE: Supporting Humanity In Navigating EVOLution was CREATEd from the depths of my heart and Soul in service to the UPLIFTment of humanKIND and our BELOVEd Mother Earth.
In CELEBRATION of the 10 year anniversary of my leap of faith, I AM HONORED to invite you to join me on the EPIC adventure of CONSCIOUS EVOLution! Through daily meditations focused on HARMONIZING our minds with the mind of Mother Earth, AWAKENING to archetypes that embody the qualities of the New Human, communing with the fiercely COMPASSIONATE ESSENCE of the DIVINE FEMININE, ALIGNing with Cosmic ASCENSION cycles, and participation in live virtual Circles focused on harnessing the medicine of COOPERATION and COLLABORATION, you will RECEIVE the EVOLutionary navigation tools needed to FLOW with the winds of change with EASE, GRACE, LOVE, TRUST, HARMONY, CONNECTION, and JOY...
For access to daily audio meditations that SUPPORT you in having a felt experience of the ‘BIGGER PICTURE’ of what is possible for humanity in this NOW moment,
Throughout time, human BEings have been looking to Mother Earth and Father Sky for keys to understanding our true reality. In order to sail our ships in the direction that will serve our evolutionary unfolding, it is imperative that we return our consciousness to be in the rhythmic flow of nature. The 13 Moon Dreamspell ‘Law of Time’ dives deep into ancient practices and tools that are keys to navigating the EVOLutionary shift with ease and grace. We each are on our own Hero/SHEro’s journey. Discovering the powerful archetypes that are a sacred part of our consciousness invites us to write our story from an inspired place. When given the opportunity to reclaim these significant parts of who we are, we are able let go of the old beliefs that hold us back and prevent us from being all that we are capable of being.
In addition to providing an energetic UPdate of the last 13 days, each Crystal Circle will follow the FLOW of an Indigenous Talking Circle with the opening of SACRED SPACE that includes a grounding meditation and an opportunity for each Relative to share from the heart. Through this process, WE feel seen, heard, and have a direct experience of our innate belonging and CONNECTEDness to ONE another and ALL that is.
The Crystal Circles are an offering to the SHINE commUNITY. If you are called to make a LOVE donation, you may do so through Venmo @Heather-Neary or PayPal ,
For the Zoom room link, please email Heather Elizabeth,
In Lak’ech ( I AM another yourSelf),
Heather Elizabeth
Consultant for CONSCIOUS EVOLution
Founder of SHINE