• SHINE (map)
  • 5106 Serrano Trail
  • Austin, TX, 78734
  • United States

The Cosmic Beloved Community Circle Convergence Room is opening officially for the world in 24 Hours of dancing the Garden Of Joy for World Unity, for Healing Prayers, for Peace On Earth Embodied.

This magical room will open June 16th 11:11AM PST/ 2:11PM EDT, first hour in Beloved Community Talking Circle led by Garden Of Joy & SHINE Imagine Peace Promise. As we will share our mission and open the circle to share all voices collective and individual missions for the next 99 Days for Earth and all life as we prepare to dance together into New Earth Rising.

The 2nd hour, 12:11PM PST/ 3:11PM EDT the DANCE will begin in Garden Of Joy, 22 hours of dance for Peace On Earth with variety of music to lift up “New Earth Rising” spirit world wide non stop ceremony dancing led by Sommer Joy Ramer, Soul Origins, Garden Of Joy.

June 17th 10:11AM PST/ 1:11PM EDT, the 24th hour of dance completes and Cosmic Beloved CommUNITY talking sharing circle begins, opening up the MIRACLES Portal of World Unity Week and sharing medicine of our dance together.

The 24th hour experience will close at 11:11AM PST/ 2:11PM EDT. Join Sommer Joy Ramer, Heather Elizabeth and other surprise guests in this experience whenever your heart and soul desires. You are always welcome. There are 11 opportunities total through out the 99 Days Of Peace Through Unity 2023 to join in the collective potency of The Cosmic Beloved Community Circle right here!