• SHINE (map)
  • 5106 Serrano Trail
  • Austin, TX, 78734
  • United States

INFINITE GRATITUDE to our SHINE 13 Moon Council member, Lauren Resonant Eagle for CREATING the BEAUTIFUL heART for the SHINE pilgrimages!

A PROFOUND clarion call that has emerged from the HEALING work of the SHINE 13 Moon Council is a way of being of service known as Ceremonial 'grid work'. Grid Work can be defined as CONSCIOUS CONNECTION with the cellular memories held in the land where monumental events in history which have had a POWERFUL impact on human EVOLution happened. 

Ceremonial Grid Work is an experience of merging the timelines of the past and present to CONSCIOUSLY coCREATE a future that is PEACEFUL, LOVING, COMPASSIONATE, INCLUSIVE, JUST, and PROSPEROUS for ALL sentient life.

The SHINE 13 Moon Council works with the codes of Natural Time sequence-specifically the Mayan Time Science Technology and other Lunar Calendar Systems-to GUIDE this service work. WE have done this work in accordance with the Day Out of Time and Galactic New Year/OPENING of the Lion's Gate (July 25th and 26th) in Austin, Mt. Shasta, and the Gulf of Mexico in South Texas and are NOW being called to various places across the United States to provide HEALING-specifically in the SPIRIT of REPAIR and a FIERCE PASSION to SHIFT the tides of his/hertory for ourSelves and the seven generations, as prophesied by the Original Peoples of Turtle Island, now known as the United States of America…

WE are now being called to gather in NYC to HONOR the 52nd Anniversary of the release of John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s timeless heART, ‘Imagine’.  Within the Mayan Time Science technology, the 52 yr cycle heralds a time of reBIRTH and EMBODIMENT of WISDOM gained from the prior 52 years. Since its release on October 11th, 1971, Imagine has become a global anthem representing the potentiality of PEACE that lives within the hearts of humanity. The Mayan code of 10/11/71 is the same code (out of 260 possibilities) of 9/11/01.. This AWARENESS offers an opportunity to consciously infuse the mantra of Imagine into the very land in which the horrors of terrorism and trauma have plagued humanity for the last 22 years…

If it speaks to your heart to join us in NYC for this once in a lifetime opportunity, please know you are being called to service of the highest order. The TIME IS NOW to BE THE PEACE, HARMONY, AND JUSTICE WE WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD.

Please see below for a loose agenda for the pilgrimage. It is highly recommended to begin making your travel arrangements sooner than later.

Better yet, JOIN THE SHINE 13 MOON COUNCIL to be with us in our live Moonly virtual gatherings!

SHINE Pilgrimage to NYC October 9th-12th, 2023

Note: recommend to arrive on Sunday, October 8th or morning/afternoon of Monday, October 9th. Recommend departure evening of Thursday the 12th or Friday the 13th.

Airfare and lodging are responsibility of travelers. Shorten or extend your stay as comfortable.

Recommended to book flights/lodging sooner than later. Meals on your own.

Monday, October 9th,, 2023 (Electric Moon Day 20, Kin 249 Red Lunar Moon) Indigenous Peoples Day

Evening arrival ceremony and heart circle and HONORING of First Nations

Dinner and John Lennon Birthday CELEBRATION at Peace Food NYC

Tuesday, October 10th, 2023/ 10:10 : (Electric Moon Day 21, Kin 250 White Electric Dog)

Mid-morning visit to 9/11 Memorial and HEALING Ceremony (optional visit to 9/11 museum)

Mid-afternoon- LGBTQ+ his/herstory tour including visit to Stonewall National Monument

Group dinner- (locaation TBD)

Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 (Electric Moon Day 22, Kin 251 Blue Self-Existing Monkey)

Mid-morning-Seeding the Dream of PEACE interactive PLAYshop-Central Park

IMAGINE PEACE Promise CELEBRATION at Strawberry Fields, Central Park

Dinner and Closing Circle


In Lak'ech ( I AM another yourSelf),

Heather Elizabeth, Founder and Steward of SHINE: Supporting Humanity In Navigating EVOLution

When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system's game. The establishment will irritate you – pull your beard, flick your face – to make you fight. Because once they’ve got you violent, then they know how to handle you. The only thing they don’t know how to handle is non-violence and humor.” There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.” — John Lennon